This Could be a Life Changer
Latest Test Results
User testing of any project that’s in development is one of the most crucial steps to getting a product or service to market. The feedback you receive informs changes, fixes and improvements you make in future iterations. And the qualitative information you gather sometimes takes you by surprise, particularly when it affirms what you have been setting out to achieve, While testing our solution for increasing access to big screen entertainment one of the members of our user testing group said, "this could be a life changer.”. It was clear from the emotion in her voice how important this technology could be to enabling her to access more public spaces. And it’s feedback like this that makes us even more determined to create a truly innovative product for deaf people.
User testing in action
Our Mission
Here at the Includiverse we are on a mission to increase accessibility to big screen entertainment and democratise content for the most disadvantaged of people. The solution? The Inclusive Immersive Smart Glasses App: a piece of augmented reality equipment that projects subtitles and British Sign Language directly into the wearer’s field of vision.
Thank-you Team
The Includiverse team have been bouncing around all over England to facilitate user testing for this research and development phase of our smart glasses, and none of this would have bent possible without the generosity of Innovate UK’s Creative Catalyst fund. As the saying goes there is no ‘I’ in team (although their is in ‘Includiverse’) and we give our greatest of thanks to our partners. Without their time, expertise and belief in our project, getting to this stage would not have been possible. And, lastly, to you! Those of you up and down the country who gave up your time to test our smart glasses, provide us with invaluable feedback and expertly pose for the odd promotional close-up or two.
Managing director Gareth Allen and head of tech Joel Hodges seeing the sights in Newcastle thanks to Innovate UK