User Testing at The Immersive Vision Theatre

Immersive Vision Theatre

The Includiverse team are frequent visitors to the University of Plymouth and we always have a positive experience. The university is home to the Immersive Vision Theatre, one of two 360 domes here in Plymouth (not forgetting the Market Hall in Devonport).  As the university is one of our partners, here in "The Includiverse" we were given access to the IVT for a user testing event.

The IVT in action.

Research and Development

Managing director Gareth Allen, head of tech Joel Hodges and research assistant and Plymouth University alumni Ceri were on hand to deliver the session to a group of students and lectures alike who gave up their time to test our Smart Glasses. Using our Green Minds film and three pairs of Smart Glasses, the participants were able to test the Smart Glasses for themselves, which meant not only reading the subtitles but toggling customisable settings to suit the user's personal preference.

The selection menu allows users to design the subtitles according to personal preference


Our Thanks

The participants were filmed and photographed during the event - watch the video here and you might see a familiar face! Big thanks to the University of Plymouth for use of their facilities and the participants who gave up their time to attend the event. Any excuse to avoid that essay!

Learn more about our Smart Glasses


Smart Glasses Testing at tHe Market Hall


International Opportunities for The Includiverse