Podcasting: Back to the future
Podcasting at SW Innovation Expo
Soundview recently attended the South-West Innovation Expo where our managing director Gareth Allen appeared as a special guest on an episode of Innovation Conversations. The theme for the episode was digital health. Gareth came on to talk about how technology can be used to break down barriers to inclusion and improve accessibility. Hear all about it in the latest episode of the Innovation Conversations Podcast.
Managing Director Gareth Allen recording the Digital Health episode of the Innovation Conversations podcast
Back to the Future – Where it All Began
Radio has been a hugely popular medium since the late 1800’s, however it wasn’t until the early 2000’s that podcasts tentatively stepped onto the scene. Alongside the invention of the iPod, a pair of fellow innovators brainstormed a plan that would enable radio shows to downloaded directly onto the iPod and listened to on demand. Podcast – a combination of iPod and broadcast – became the word of the year in 2005 and the rest, as they say, is history.
Gareth has worked in radio since the 1980s but the live recording at the SW Innovation Expo was his first time being involved in a podcast. Compared to the longevity of radio, podcasting is a relatively new medium, but has since thrived in the digital audio scene. An impressive 82 million people tuned in to podcasts in 2021, with an estimated 3 million podcasts to choose from.
What’s Next For Podcasting
The future of podcasting is very bright – the industry is estimated to be worth a staggering $18.52 billion. Live podcasting (just like our episode of Innovation Conversations) is on the rise, and podcasting is a hit with the younger generation. The youth of today are most likely to listen to a podcast with emphasis on education – Gen Z loves to learn. Podcasts can provide free education and entertainment, whether you’re looking for something you’re already interested in, or wanting to listen to something new. Innovation Conversations is a great place to start.
Click here to learn more about Soundview’s time at the SW Innovation Expo