Includiverse wins backing from innovate uk
We're delighted to announce that our Inclusive Immersive Smart Glasses innovation for big screen entertainment venues and immersive domes has been awarded a grant from Innovate UK. The research and development funding will allow us to continue our work in breaking down barriers to accessing content.
Inclusive Immersive Smart Glasses
The innovation provides subtitles in Augmented Reality (AR) smart glasses and will operate via the users smartphone. It will enable disabled movie goers to attend any film screening they wish, replacing the infrequent subtitled screenings.
Smart Glasses in action
Our work will benefit hundreds of millions of Deaf, hearing impaired and neuro-diverse people globally. It spearheads our vision for an "Includiverse", a digital ecosystem that will democratise content for some of the most disadvantaged people in the UK and beyond.
"We're hugely grateful for the grant from Innovate UK's Creative Catalyst . It will help us make a positive contribution to our vision of The Includiverse and allow us to to continue working with our committed partners including The University of Plymouth, Real Immersive and The Newcastle Deaf Centre." Gareth Allen, MD SoundView
Innovate UK drives productivity and economic growth by supporting businesses to develop and realise the potential of new ideas and is part of UK Research & Innovation. For more information contact
If you want to chat to us or find out more information about the Includiverse, please visit our website at